
Women in FDI

FDI has an important role
when it comes to advancing gender balance.

The starting point

A 2015 McKinsey report indicates that advancing women’s equality can add $12 trillion to global growth. The observation is clear: "Gender inequality is not only a pressing moral and social issue but also a critical economic challenge. If women—who account for half the world’s working-age population—do not achieve their full economic potential, the global economy will suffer."
Women In FDI (Win FDI) is a pro-bono initiative that seeks to better understand what the role of FDI is when it comes to advancing women equality. This informal network convenes practitioners, consultants and other professionals working in the industry of attracting investment or promoting a location. Together we aim to help the industry step practical steps to advance gender empowerment.

We are working on different streams:

#1: FDI & gender advancement

What does Women in FDI mean in practice? Whilst there is solid academic research about the link between trade & gender, with international campaigns such as #SheTrades or tailored export support programmes for female-led companies, the question of gender & foreign direct investment is one that only is being explored recently. What evidence is out there to help us understand this space? We are out there speaking to people to understand the space and identify tools and methodologies that can show us a path.

#2: Though leadership

Preliminary research on IPAs from OECD countries reveals that only 17% (6 IPAs out of 36) are led by women. the case is not different in international organisations. consultants advising IPAs/EDOs nor those publishing research; women represent less than 10%.
What actions do we need to take to help women find their voice, audience and support teams at the leading roles of the industry? We are designing programmes to address this and create and an inclusive FDI industry that benefits from the contribution women do to the sector.

#3: Consultancy WinFDI

What are the best practices to advance women in FDI?

We have an extensive network of world class practitioners, consultants, academics and researchers who at the frontline of the interlink of FDI and gender advancement. We are ready to share our expertise, design roadmaps for how FDI supports the gender agenda. In addition, we help promotion agencies recruit board members well-trained in gender.

We are ready when you are.

Let's join forces.

Our doors are open to all those who want to contribute.

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